hope for snow tomorrow! getting out of school early would be so awesome, you have nooooo idea. Just like that day right before Christmas break, we got out 2 1/2 hours early!!!!
sleep with your pajamas inside out, everyone. and add an ice cube under your pillow just for good measure :D
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Put here by Ray at exactly 10:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
AAAaahhh I got 2nd chair in All District Band and 4th chair in the Honors Western Regional Orchestra! I seriously thought I did terrible but I always think that........but yeah.....both are out of town in the mountains at the exact same place one weekend after another, get to stay in hotels with my music buddies!
Put here by Ray at exactly 5:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
I got an 88 on English, but they added a 5 point curve, so technically I got a 93 -- but my average is still a B! :(
Uhm....got a 99!! on World History, thank god, because I studied all weekend.
Don't know anything else yet.....
All-District Band and Western Regional Orchestra auditions tomorrow! Yeaaayyyy.......ugh it really bugs me how they put them right after exams....I can totally imagine the Bandmasters Association saying, "Hey, we should schedule auditions so no one will have time to practice before them!"
Put here by Ray at exactly 7:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Found this from the Williams' blog--
If you are a member of Facebook or know someone who is, please take the chance to do something incredible!
Chase Community Giving is awarding $1 million to one charity and $100,000 to the five runners-up! The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation is working to find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy - and they could use the money!
Fast Facts:
- SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants under the age of 2
- 50% of those diagnosed will not live to see their 2nd birthday
- kids with SMA lose the ability to sit, stand, walk, talk, eat, swallow, and breathe
- 1 in 40 people is a carrier
- the National Institute of Health says that SMA is the #1 CURABLE disease if given research funding
- right now there is NO cure and NO treatment
- right now SMA is a DEATH SENTENCE
Want to change that? Vote for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation on the Chase Community Giving app on Facebook! You have five votes to tell the world that you want a CURE for SMA!
Tell your friends and blog contacts - let them know they could be part of a MIRACLE - be part of a CURE - and give these kids a FUTURE!
Here's the link to vote:
and watch that video, its only a few minutes long
I'm not on FB anymore so someone vote on this for me!
Put here by Ray at exactly 3:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Exams start tomorrow. I have my Life Skills exam first--ooooh I really have to study for that one...that was sarcastic, for anyone who didn't catch that. :) Anyway, tomorrow, our exam is watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and we have to list character traits.....
Tuesday I have World History. Freaking out about that one.
then Wed. I have English (the only subject I have a freaking B in!) and if I don't ace the exam I'll be stuck with a B on my transcript :'(
Thursday, Latin and Band (no studying there)
Friday, Gym and Geometry (a little studying in Geometry but not really)
So I guess I'm a whole lot better off than a lot of people, I only have to study for 2 of them, and kinda for 2 others.
Put here by Ray at exactly 8:51 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I sure hope that you guys know I play the clarinet by now; but if you dont--I play the clarinet as first instrument, violin as secondary.
But now my band teacher is making me play string bass for Jazz Band. I really do think its fun, but its in bass clef, soooo......I'm trying really hard to learn how to sight-read in bass clef (and connect the notes on the page to the actual bass) and so far its kinda working. I have two notes down pat! Open G (which is an E on treble clef) and the A above that (which is an F on treble)! I personally think thats a miracle. :)
Put here by Ray at exactly 9:08 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
I smashed my finger in the car door. Well, not really...I was using one hand to open the door to get something from my mom because it was too cold so by other hand was in my pocket. Aaaannddd, the door closed on my finger while I was reaching out to take it. so now its swollen. :'(
Check out this link!
Its my friend who is an amazing violin prodigy! this is my favorite piece. feel free to comment too, to make his parents feel good :D
Put here by Ray at exactly 7:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I'm following myself
on this thing
:D I signed up to follow my own blog....IDK why, I was really bored....haha....anyway, we won our first Academic Team Competition! yeeaayyyyyyyy
Put here by Ray at exactly 6:49 PM 0 comments