NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! Its snnnnoooowwwwwiiiiinnnnnngggg!!!! OMG and its 9:15 PM and my neighbors are outside playing. They're screaming too. I am this close to opening the window and telling them to shut up. :)
And my fingers are freezing, I can hardly type.
I was practicing the clarinet today and going through all 15 of my reeds to find good ones for All State auditions this Saturday and I took notes one them so I could go back and see which ones were best and stuff. I took a green sharpie and wrote all over them. One actually says "never use, bad tone 4 notes above the break, staccato sux" in the little 1 inch area below the playing part.....its pretty much all clarinet speak, so if you don't get what I'm talking about its ok...
yes I am a horrible band geek.
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
you are a band geek. :)
why thank you!
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