Thursday, September 24, 2009


we get chair spots in band tomorrow! finally....apparently some people were absent and didn't audition until yesterday.....tomorrow is Friday! Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!! love it

I was doing "pull-ups" (really just holding one because girls are allowed to hang and see how long we can hold a pullup) and before my turn, my elbow realllllyyyy had to crack but it wouldn't so when I got up there it was really painful because I had been like, snapping my arm back and forth trying to crack it before my turn but it didn't. So I got up there, stepped off the chair, felt extreme pain in my elbow and tried to drop but my other arm cramped up because it was sore from taekwondo so I kind of dangled lopsided for a second or two before it uncramped. It probably looked really stupid... :D My awesome time--about half a second......I don't think its even half of the National time.....haha

Played kickball in gym today....I can't wait until we actually start a sport, especially badminton....I asked my gym coach today when we were doing badminton and he said "when the weather gets cold" and I asked him how long we would do it and he said "2 weeks" and I said badminton rocks we should do it for a month and he said "whatever, Rae. go away." :) he wasn't being mean, he was like, joking. But anyways.....

I love Latin. I have like, a 104 average in that class.


kearstinnn.robertsonnn said...

I have a 105 in German :)

Rach said...

i said "go away " a lot.. but I meant it :)

Ray said...

aw thanks. i love you too.