Have I ever said anything about how my hair takes forever to dry?? It takes FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister can wash her hair after me and it'll be dry in half an hour. Mine takes like, 2 hours to get mostly dry.......................................its soooooooooooooooooo annoying!!!!!!!!!!!
I got an 82 on a math test on areas of polygons.....it was the hardest test I've ever taken....but I guess it was pretty good compared to other people....most people got in the 60s and 70s. One person got a 48....one had a 34, and I heard one guy got a 2....
Does anybody else besides me have this thing happen where I'm totally fine before class starts, then once the bell rings, I start sneezing? Its like, more than a coincidence, it happens every day and it's really weird and I always have to get up and get a tissue in the middle of class. And it's always just during 1st period...
But anyway, I'm finished with homework and it's only 10:15, which is a record, pretty much. This week, I've had the least homework I've had in about 2 months. Or maybe it just seems like that, because I've been stresses out about at least one thing since March. Early March was All State Auditions, then some other crap, then the week before spring break, teachers were cramming and I had to get ready for New Orleans trip, then when I came back, I had to prepare INSANELY for black belt testing, and had a DNA project for Biology that some people in my group were really immature and annoying, then missed school last Friday...I feel soooo relaxed now because everything's over...but anyway...can you tell I'm bored? I'm rambling.
I really need to cut my fingernails.
Allergies suck. A lot.
For All-State Band clinic, I have to room with the only other girl who made it--the one that I thought was shy who's really not. Hahaaaaaaaaaa that'll be fun/interesting....
OOOOkkkkk I'm going to go to bed. Maybe.
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
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